Spring 2020 Newsletter

To our Water4Haiti Supporters: This quarterly letter was written by board member Tim Springer who just returned from Haiti after a 10 day visit.

“I have friends in Haiti”

As we begin our decent into Port a Prince, the Haitian mountains rise rapidly outside my window making my heart beat a little faster. Today we are landing on runway 090 which requires us to do a 180 turn across the open water of the Caribbean. The heat hits you as you step on the jet way, bringing to you to the reality that you have arrived. You pay the authorities $10 (which I never understood), walk past a lively Haitian band playing their music hoping for a donation or to buy their CD. Soon you have your luggage, barter with your luggage carrier and together walk out into the heat and smells of Haiti.

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Did they get my message? Are they here to pick me up? You scan the masses looking for a familiar faces, then you hear, “Byenveni an Haiti, bon zanmi, Pastor Tim!” Yes, Sammy and the Water4Haiti crew are here for you! “Welcome to Haiti my good friend.” This has significant meaning to me as over the last 10 years they have become more than just acquaintances, they are my very dear friends.

Sammy, who has a pastor’s heart, a friend to everyone, has been a great asset to Water4Haiti in the knowledge he provides for us. Zog, with his good driving skills, a very hard worker with a ‘get ur done’, no nonsense attitude, Roberto’s way of always talking, keeping things fun, making the best of any situation, to finally Big, the gentle teddy bear that lets out a chuckle now and then and is the strongest Haitian I know. This is the Water4Haiti team, great guys with different personalities fixing pumps, setting irrigation systems or mixing concrete to better the life for many in their own country they love. As our relationship has deepened, we have learned to trust one another as we share together our fears, frustrations, struggles and Spring 2020 Newsletter dreams. We work, laugh and have moments of very deep conversations together. All the while knowing together, we are making a difference in their country.

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We load the truck and head through the village and up the mountain to fix our first pump. We pull up to the riverbank, Zog gives 5 short horn blasts and soon there are people coming from across the river on the other side where the broken pump awaits us. They come to help carry supplies and tools across the river to fix the broken pump. We work hard, it is hot, and the well is 90’ deep. In 2 hours, it is fixed and pumping water! “Du se you bon zanmi!”, “You are a good friend!” and we all are rewarded with fresh shucked coconuts as a thank you for what we have done for them.

As we prepare to leave, someone from 2 miles further up the mountain asks if we could bring water to them? They have no water. I ask, “How many people will it serve?” The answer stuns me, 2000 is the response! Sammy asks me if we can do this, and my response is “Of course, that is what Water4Haiti does.” “Thank you friend, for caring for us”, is the response. Once again, who is the one being blessed? Who is the friend? It is all of us caring for and helping one another.

When Jesus was asked in Luke, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus replied with a story of the Good Samaritan. When he was finished the man answered, “The one who showed mercy was the good neighbor”. Jesus answered, “Yes, now go and do the same.”I believe good neighbors become good friends.

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You may never have been to Haiti or talked to the workers there but if you have been a contributor and partnered with us, you have friends in Haiti! Thank you for helping change the lives of our friends in Haiti. Your gifts are what make it possible.

We accelerate down the runway, my eyes become misty and my stomach is tight. I’m already looking forward to returning soon because my friends are there. I’m missing them already.

Your friend in Christ,

Tim Springer


Summer 2020 Newsletter