Summer 2021 Newsletter

Greetings to W4H friends,

It has been pleasantly cool since Nancy and I arrived the last of March. Sleeping is fine with a fan and 90’s during the day but the humidity is what sets the comfort level. During these past months many and varied projects were accomplished. The white trim on the house and a kitchen wall were each repainted and lots of shop work which had been delayed until I arrived but most everything is now running. Tires on small machines are so hard to keep repaired. It might be the heat but tubes will not last nor the tires. The welders, generators, power washer, air compressor, water pumps, battery charger, wheel barrow, lawn mower. Then the vehicles: alternators, power steering, brakes, steering sector and wheel alignment. Then the small engines on air compressor, 3 generators, power washer, water pumps and the welder.

Changing out Motor

Changing out motor

Another issue is do not let the gas cans run empty. We have 4-5 gal gas cans and maybe there will not be any fuel at the station tomorrow. You can always get gas on the black market of $10-$12/gal.

We never appreciate electric power in the States until it goes out. Well, we just adjust to it here. Electric motors are so fantastic. Oh yes, solar power, is the sun shinning, batteries filled with water, inverter set correctly, need to charge batteries with generator? It takes twice as long to do anything, just plan on it. Even banking. The drive through is a 15-20 wait, and inside are 100 people waiting up to 2 hours to get to one of 3 tellers. I am an old man with gray hair so I get to be in the “express lane” with the pregnant women.

Tool bench

Tool bench

If you go to a hardware store for a bolt. All items are wired to 4x8 plywood boards. You find a clerk and point to the one you want. He writes the order and you take it to the teller behind dark glass. He gives you your receipt stamped you have paid with your change. You then go find another fellow and give him your receipt and he will go get your bolt. You take your sac and head for the door. One more stop. A fellow checks the receipt with your purchase, then you may go. I did all of that once and they brought me a fine threaded bolt, one I did not order, I said ‘thank you’ and left. Getting a refund or exchange is nearly impossible. If you need silicon tube, buy twice as many as you will need a several will be so old they are solid on the inside. No returning. You go home, take a hack saw and cut in two and dip out what you need. Returning merchandise in Haiti is not in their thinking.

First sewing machine being sent

First sewing machine being sent

During this past year we have launched several worthy projects. One was getting that family off of the mountain who were living in a corn stalk lean to. You people donated for a new block home, land and all $5000. Then the mother dies giving birth to her 8th child. You responded with love to help feed and clothe this one day old baby. Now we have mentioned a project that 4 people have responded to and that is sending down a sewing machine they no longer use. Electricity is slowly coming into the city so they will find an outlet somewhere. All children in school, K-12 must have an approved uniform for their school, so thousands of outfits must be sewn each year. One has been shipped and it will be exciting to send pictures to the donor of her old machine.

We just heard today that Covid has hit Haiti and there are deaths being reported. They basically missed the first round one year ago, so we will see what happens. Oh yes, there has been no gasoline within 50 mile either direction for 3 days now. How much longer? No one ever knows.

Heading home from church

Heading home from church

So even after mentioning the challenges and frustrations, it is good for me to remember

1 Cor 15 : 58
...stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.


Water4Haiti board


Fall 2021 Newsletter


Spring 2021 Newsletter