Fall 2020 Newsletter
Greetings My Friends,
2020 is going to be one for the books, no matter your age or occupation. The situation in Haiti has been and is no better. In the early spring of 2019 mission boards started evacuating their field personal back to the States. It was a very dangerous time as gangs and thugs were ruling the streets in Port au Prince with shootings, burnings, and the destroying of property at will and anyplace. I had planned to return in July 2019, which came and went, then October and the riots were still occurring, then the holidays, then some surgery, Covid 19, quarantines, airlines not flying, each time departure date ahead thinking certainly all will be ok after a few months.
One of several irrigation pumps installed
16 washing barrels placed around town during virus
By the last of September I finally touched down on Haitian soil. The problems have lessened somewhat in Port but now the gangs have spread out to the rural areas and are basically doing what ever they want as the police have turned in their guns as in our town with 4 police and a gang of 20-40, there is no match. They are breaking into homes and also robbing businesses. During the day there is much less of a problem but our fellows are very cautious. Our workers can not just go at well like the old days to any area but they now listen to the radio which reports the hotspots. At night, do not open the gate for anyone, even if you know them, as the gang might be right behind them.
W4H has stopped delivering water to the Covid washing areas and are back repairing pumps. There is no mandatory mask wearing and have not heard of any deaths directly related to the virus. The economy is what is a larger problem even over the gangs. It fluctuates so erratically and dramatically that one day the conversion rate is 100 gds to $1 and a week later be 50:1. Naturally manipulated, and benefiting the rich. Most people of Haiti are trapped in their economic level through birth and very, very few will ever climb up, over and out of their poverty. Most of us are given the opportunity to improve our lives if we work hard and can see the goal is worth the effort. Most Haitians are at a dead end and see little hope of improving their lives.
During riots, travel unsafe on highway so delivered water in town
Let me share a story that just happened this week. A young lady came to our gate, nothing new, but this was a very sad deal. She and her boyfriend were planning to be married and in the mean time he meets another girl, marries her and they go to America. This girl now realizes she is pregnant and the former boyfriend says,”Get lost”. The rent is due and the landlady says pay up or you are out. I can not imagine the sleepless nights this girl must have had wondering what will happen to me and my baby. Her only alternative was to become a prostitute to pay the rent and buy food. No family and seemingly unchanging circumstances. A person has given us a donation for special projects and if this did not qualify, I do not know what would. $150 paid the whole years rent of one room. We are not far from the Thanksgiving Season, which should be year around, and I can not think of the many individuals and families here and in the US who are caught in seemingly unchanging circumstances. How many of us have lain awake at night wondering where am I going to sleep tomorrow night and I have not food.
Built small house to get this family of 7 out of the elements
Small house built
As Psalm 145:18 reminds us: When the peace of Christ is in out hearts, thankfulness overflows. Even in the darkest of times we can praise God for his promise to be near us when we call. From the Board of W4H do have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
The W4H Team and Board