Spring 2024 Newsletter
Dear W4H Friends and Supporters,
Truck destination of water containers
In Hebrews 11:1, Paul promises us that, “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see”. Well, the Haitian people are certainly praying for assurance which they can not see. Since the newsletter in December was informing you of the terrible gang violence, it has gotten much worse day by day, just this past week. The gangs now control 80% of the Capital, Port au Prince. Two weeks ago they opened two prisons and released 4000 inmates to blend into the population. It is estimated that 200 criminal groups are ruling Haiti and two million people are suffering under their control. The head leader of all of the gangs, totaling an estimate of 4,000, is a former police officer and he says the real criminals in Haiti are the corrupt politicians and ruling elite wealthy. He has been saying that if the Prime Minister would resign then things would get better. Well, the UN did get him to step down but anyone with power and many followers will never resign his position and the killing has continued. Just this morning Mar. 20 the gangs hit a new area. The elite neighborhoods and killed 12 right on the street. By the time you are reading this, the situation could have easily become even worse.
600 gal of water heading for neighborhood
Corruption has been a part of Haiti’s culture since it won its independence in 1804, after a 13 year war. There were 700,000 slaves working the French sugar cane fields making Haiti have a higher gross national product than the 13 Colonies in the future USA. In 1825 France demanded reparations of (in today’s money $18 Billion), and the world’s countries backed them. Imagine that amount, and being paid by the winner of the war. Haiti had to borrow the money from the French at exorbitant interest rates and by 1914, 80% of the nation’s budget went to paying the debt. Haiti has never recovered.
This pump is used from 5am to 10pm
Crack in pipe from inside rod wear
I had a mission driller friend text me and said, “As far as he knew, in our area, only one other NGO mission compound has not yet been entered and damaged”. The only explanation is that people like you are praying for Haiti and W4H and it’s workers and the Good Lord has His arms around the walls from hearing your prayers. Our Administrator texted me the other day and very apologetically reported that they were only able to repair 10 pumps, clean 1, had 2 new wells dug with new pumps and concrete, build 1 new bath house and haul 17 loads of water. He said we are getting very far behind as many pumps need repairing. I told him to just stay home and keep the gate locked.
In our town the gangs have burned 30 homes! And for what? These are just very bad people that have no regard or compassion for life. I am sorry to say this is not a very ‘uppy’ letter but we are just thankful that no one has been hurt. One happy note, Jr. “Big”, one of our workers got married. They held the reception on the porch of the compound house and the yard with its green grass, beautiful trees, shrubs and flowers.
Front porch of compound house
Jr.’Big’ and his new bride
In the last several letters I have always mentioned the container that is just sitting, waiting to be trucked to a Miami port. I have no idea now when it can be shipped, as it seems each week the danger escalates. After the container reaches our Haitian port it will be a 10 hr drive again loaded on a semi to our compound. In no way would we dare to send it now as it would be high jacked and never arrive.
Thank you for standing by our side during these difficult times but Paul tells us in Thes. 5:16, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances: for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”. Have a great summer and let us hope that a major improvement has occurred in Haiti by the summer letter, so people can start to rebuild their lives and country.
Chuck &
The Water4Haiti Board Members