Summer 2022 Newsletter
Hello again Water4haiti supporters,
Yes, another 3 months have passed in our lives. We all have experienced or know someone who has delt with hurts and joys along with deaths and new births. As Matthew ll:18 says, quoting Jesus, “Come unto me, all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest”. Summer in Haiti comes early and stays a long time but our team of fellows never waver in their commitment of doing what has to be done to keep good water flowing to as many Haitians as they can handle. During this time W4H constructed 2 bath/wash facilities, repaired 29 pumps, dug 4 new wells and installed new concrete and pumps, cleaned and deepened 3 wells and hauled many loads of water. A conservative estimated of the number of lives improved would be over 16,000.
The photo of the digger just starting on a new well, which will take at least 2 weeks and vary in depth from 40’ to 90’ on average . A hole 30 inches across and 90 feet deep, contains about 15 cubic yards of dirt. This translates to 15,000 pounds and equivalent to a very large dump truck. The man in the hole uses a pick with a very short handle and a coffee can to dig and remove the dirt and rocks. He then scoops it into a pail on a rope which his partner then pulls up hand over hand. A well like this would cost $200-$300 plus we furnish one meal a day.
Occasionally we send boxes of repair parts, small supplies, etc. This time we included several dozen pairs of work gloves and half a dozen of Bibles in Haitian Creole language. Some of the gloves were given to people in our neighborhood who pound rocks for a ‘living’. They get rocks from the river, about the size of a bowling ball and proceed to sit all day and crush the rocks into stones small enough to use in running cement. The pile just keeps growing as they pound away. A large pickup load would bring about $200. What would you rather do for $200. Dig a well or pound a pile of rocks?
One of the many pumps which was repaired was a private pump an old man had for himself. It wore out and he asked if we would come and repair it. If we would, then he would allow the neighborhood access to his pump. He seemed as pleased with his kind gesture as having his pump repaired. A few weeks ago my neighbor had a garage sale. I walked over to see what was going on and he said for me to pick out some tools which I could take to Haiti. I picked out a half dozen saying thank you. “No, No”, he said take all you want or need. Well the picture shown is what HE just kept adding as I just looked on. Thank you, Mr. Neighbor.
This is the first letter in a long while that I have not started out sharing with you the economic and dangerous issues. Well, they have not improved. No fuel for a week, shootings and gang violence. One dollar today is now worth 50 cents. The Haitian people are so resilient and take all of their misfortunes as part of living. We could probably take a few lessons from them in how we are now having to deal with our shifted way of life. Deu. 31:8 assures us that “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; not be discouraged”.
From our Haitian staff and Water4haiti Board of Directors wish you a safe and enjoyable summer.